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MiTeGen 高性能液氮罐High Capacity Liquid Nitrogen Refrigerator

HC34 High Capacity Liquid Nitrogen Refrigerator 34 Liter


The HC34 Liquid Nitrogen Freezer is designed for storing quantities of a variety of materials at cryogenic temperatures. Provides temperatures of -196oC at the liquid surface and -190oC at the canister top.

HC35 High Capacity Liquid Nitrogen Refrigerator 35 Liter


The HC35 Liquid Nitrogen Freezer is designed for storing quantities of a variety of materials at cryogenic temperatures. Provides temperatures of -196oC at the liquid surface and -190oC at the canister top.

VHC35 High Capacity Liquid Nitrogen Refrigerator 35 Liter


The VHC35 Liquid Nitrogen Freezer is designed for storing quantities of a variety of materials at cryogenic temperatures. Provides temperatures of -196oC at the liquid surface and -190oC at the canister top.

HC38 High Capacity Liquid Nitrogen Refrigerator 38 Liter


The HC38 Liquid Nitrogen Freezer is designed for storing quantities of a variety of materials at cryogenic temperatures. Provides temperatures of -196oC at the liquid surface and -190oC at the canister top.

HC20 Liquid Nitrogen Refrigerator 20 Liter


The HC20 Liquid Nitrogen Freezer is designed for storing quantities of a variety of materials at cryogenic temperatures. Provides temperatures of -196oC at the liquid surface and -190oC at the canister top.

Cryo Storage Refrigerators LD Mitegen Cryogenic Dewars

